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Service Requests

These are the most common service requests. Our staff can help you submit these requests via 311. Read below for the information we need from you to submit a request, and then call the office at (773) 762-1771.



Garbage Cart Required Questions


  1. Reason for Black Garbage Carts

  2. Description - What is the reason you are requesting carts?

  3. Does the city pick up your garbage from the Black Carts?

  4. Do you currently receive City of Chicago Garbage pick up service?

  5. Do you live in a building with 4 family units or less?

  6. How many Black Cart(s) do you still have?

  7. How many Black Carts do you want removed?

  8. What are their cart numbers?

  9. Reason for removal

  10. If the cart is damaged what is the cart number?

  11. How Many Black Garbage Carts do you need?



Rodent Baiting Required Questions


  1. What other locations need to be baited?

  2. Do you want your backyard inspected and baited?



Tree Trimming Required Questions


  1. How many trees need trimming?

  2. Where is the tree located?

  3. Tree trim type (clear roof, street lights, low branch)?



Street / Alley Potholes Required Questions


  1. Where is the pothole located?



Street / Alley Potholes Required Questions


  1. Street Light Type

  2. Are all the street lights out on your block?

  3. Is the light located in your alley or street?

  4. Is the light completely out or does it go on and off?




22nd Ward

Alderperson Michael D. Rodriguez

4035 W. 26th Street

Chicago, IL 60623

Office Hours:

Monday - 9 AM to 7 PM

Tuesday to Friday - 9 AM to 5 PM

Ward Nights every Monday night:

4 PM to 7 PM, by appointment

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